
Jeremy Hunter is coming to UMAMI Arena

Jeremy Hunter will be coming to the UMAMI Leadership Conference on March 19. Hunter is a professor of leadership development and a pioneer in forming the leaders of the future. His work is driven by a simple yet powerful philosophy: To lead others, you must first be able to lead yourself.

In a world characterised by uncertainty and rapid changes, leaders need more than just strategic skills – they also need tools to be able to lead themselves. Professor Jeremy Hunter, a pioneer in leadership development, is the man who can help you find these tools. With over 25 years’ experience from Claremont Graduate University and as founder of Executive Mind Leadership Institute, he has made a difference for leaders in some of the world’s most demanding industries.

Hunter has designed and led programmes for various organizations including Fortune 50 companies within banking and finance, the pharmaceutical industry, and even in the arts and NGOs. His work is driven by a simple yet powerful philosophy: To lead others, you must first be able to lead yourself.

Leaders must be able to navigate amid uncertainty

Peter Drucker, management’s founder, once said: “Before you can lead someone else, you have to lead yourself.” This quote sums up the essence of Hunter’s approach. He helps leaders to handle the natural human responses that are activated in uncertain times – whether it is sitting still in the boat, running on autopilot or being paralysed by the situation. By learning to process these reactions, leaders can open up for new possibilities and produce results in an ever-changing world.

A journey through life’s uncertainty

Hunter’s own experience of living for 17 years with a potentially fatal illness has given him a unique perspective on leadership and mental strength. His daily decision to invest in fear or gratitude was a valuable learning process – a process he now uses to help others break out of entrenched thought patterns and find new paths.

Why change starts with leaders

As Hunter says: “Leaders set the tone for the organisation.” When a leader moves from fear and reactivity to growth and learning, the whole organisation can be transformed. This is not just theory – Hunter has seen this happen himself, time after time, in his work with everything from small teams to large corporations.

Looking forward to UMAMI Leadership Conference 2025

Jeremy Hunter is looking forward to sharing his work on how he helps leadership teams to identify what they want to achieve and how their mental attitude influences their ability to reach these goals. Hunter’s model will give leaders concrete tools to raise their own and their team’s performance.
Jeremy Hunter represents a unique combination of in-depth knowledge, personal experience and an infectious passion for helping others. At the UMAMI Leadership Conference 2025, he will not only inspire – he will give you the necessary tools to change your own leadership. This is an opportunity not to be missed.


UMAMI Leadership Conference is our new initiative for strategic leaders. The main topics of the conference will be how to navigate uncertain times, with a focus on how to address the role and composition of the board, and how to develop new markets for the future.
Wednesday 19, 2025 at NOVA Spektrum in Lillestrøm

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The number one arena
for the food and beverage industry

18 – 20 March 2025, NOVA Spektrum in Lillestrøm, Norway