OPENING HOURS: 10-18    (BAREN 11-18)

Packaging – Production

Exhibitors in this category are manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers and distributors of packaging solutions for food and beverage.

The Packaging and production category includes suppliers of:

  • printers and label makers
  • packaging design
  • temperature control, RFID and traceability
  • machinery and equipment for food handling and packaging
  • handling and recycling consulting
  • research and innovation within future packaging solutions and materials


Useful links:

Area for startups

Other categories:

Food – Beverage   

Machinery – Equipment – Hygiene

Interior – Concepts   

Cider – Beer – Wine – Liquor   

Sissel Marie A. Orset

Sissel is our sales manager
and has worked for NOVA Spektrum since 2017.

She has more than 15 years of experience from the grocery industry
and has a genuine interest in the food and beverage industry.

Do you want to be an exhibitor
at UMAMI Arena 2025?

Feel free to get in touch for a non-binding conversation.